Mrs. Witt i am going to miss you so much and i know that you still have to get a facebook and everything but let us know when you do!
Miss you already
Heather Gourley
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Missing Person
To whom it may concern;
I have contaced you in the hope that you would be able to find an old acquaintance of mine. She was a dear friend of mine in junior high and i wish to see her again. Her name is Alyssa Hamm. We met in sixth grad; she was a small, brittle, quiet kind of a person and was very kind and sweet. She was pale but had medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. I soon found out that she was a very strong christian. She wouldn't way words that would even lead to bad words, like crap, she would say something totally innocent that didn't mean anything. She called people goobers a lot. Later that same year her family decided to move to Oregon. She gave me her e-mail address and we talked regularly about how we were and how things were doing. In one e-mail she informed me she was moving again but this time it was to Washington. She was homeschooled for a long time. Slowly each of our lives got busy so we slowly stopped trying to keep in touch. I would like to see her again and I often wonder what she is up to and how her life is playing out. That is why I wrote you to find her so I can contact her again and possibly go visit her soon.
Heather Gourley
I have contaced you in the hope that you would be able to find an old acquaintance of mine. She was a dear friend of mine in junior high and i wish to see her again. Her name is Alyssa Hamm. We met in sixth grad; she was a small, brittle, quiet kind of a person and was very kind and sweet. She was pale but had medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. I soon found out that she was a very strong christian. She wouldn't way words that would even lead to bad words, like crap, she would say something totally innocent that didn't mean anything. She called people goobers a lot. Later that same year her family decided to move to Oregon. She gave me her e-mail address and we talked regularly about how we were and how things were doing. In one e-mail she informed me she was moving again but this time it was to Washington. She was homeschooled for a long time. Slowly each of our lives got busy so we slowly stopped trying to keep in touch. I would like to see her again and I often wonder what she is up to and how her life is playing out. That is why I wrote you to find her so I can contact her again and possibly go visit her soon.
Heather Gourley
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Memory Book
Well, I would put one of the next two chapters I've been doing on here, but there's a slight problem: 1 of them is my Valedictorian speech, and it would be no fun if you guys had already read it before graduation! And the second one is a chapter my mom is writing about our homeschooling years. So, rest assured that I am working on it, I'm just unable to post my progress on here as of right now!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Macbeth Destiny
I think that everything is out of our hands. If it's meant to be it will happen. God already has our whole lives planned out. Certain things in life can change our future, but we don't have any control over it. I don't think doing certain things good or bad to make things happen can be justified.
A Different State of Mind
Pandora's Box
Crawl into this box I've found,
It's filled with sand and dirt.
Blazing Sun
No venom can hold a candle against this poison i have found
Open my box
I'll give you the keys; Glass, Grass, and finally Fire.
Come and play in this desolate place
A smile and an open mind, let everything else slip
Come and bake underneath my sun
Beautiful green grace
Let her slip into your lungs.
Crawl into this box I've found,
It's filled with sand and dirt.
Blazing Sun
No venom can hold a candle against this poison i have found
Open my box
I'll give you the keys; Glass, Grass, and finally Fire.
Come and play in this desolate place
A smile and an open mind, let everything else slip
Come and bake underneath my sun
Beautiful green grace
Let her slip into your lungs.
Memory Book Pov of an object
It was a bright and sunny play. It had a nice breeze going, birds chirping. The day was going good. He started me up pretty early that day. We had a few errands to run. He had a schedule before we left. He came outside; he unlocked me, and started me up. Got in, rolled down the windows and turned my radio up. We left the house, we went to McDonalds, and he came back with a drink. We left; we had to go downtown to the post office. After that we went to regions. That’s where it all happened! It was going good when he went inside. Two older people pulled up, parked next to me. Chris came outside got inside, started me, and put me in reverse. We backed out slowly, and then all of a sudden the other car backed up quick with looking behind them. They hit me on my right side. (Bang, crash!) My right side got smashed up pretty bad. Chris got really mad! I never saw him act this way. He finally calmed down and got all the information from the guy. He got me looked at and found out how much money it was going to cost. He found a guy that did really good work. It took him about two weeks to fix me up and then I was ready to go home to my owner. Chris was really happy to see me pulling up with my side looking good. I was glad to go back home to my owner, and then we took a drive.
Nursery Rhymes
Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns
My Aunt is in the mood
to make some
Hot cross buns
I ran around the roseberry bush
saying Will Smith is better than Vin Diesel
My cousin swears it's not true
Pop! Goes the weisel
Meredith had a little lamb
little lamb, yes a tiny lamb
Meredith had a little lamb
but I told her it had to go
Hickory Dickory Dock
Everyday is a mismatched sock
8 o'clock plus one
The battle of school needs to be won
Hickory Dickory Dock
Its raining its pouring
this picnic is getting boring
So I went out of sight played bball all night
could barely wake up in the morning
Hot cross buns
My Aunt is in the mood
to make some
Hot cross buns
I ran around the roseberry bush
saying Will Smith is better than Vin Diesel
My cousin swears it's not true
Pop! Goes the weisel
Meredith had a little lamb
little lamb, yes a tiny lamb
Meredith had a little lamb
but I told her it had to go
Hickory Dickory Dock
Everyday is a mismatched sock
8 o'clock plus one
The battle of school needs to be won
Hickory Dickory Dock
Its raining its pouring
this picnic is getting boring
So I went out of sight played bball all night
could barely wake up in the morning
Why I Would not Change Anything
I am who I am today because of what I've been through an the past. Why live your life in regret? I would not change anything about my life.
I grew up with my mom, dad, and three brothers. I was always outside getting dirty and climbing trees, and going on adventures. We always had fun and the boys taught me a lot.
The girly side of me came out when Emily Brafford started coming over to play. We had matching baby dolls. We had a plane at my house and a car at hers. Times were so great! Emily really is the sister I never had. She has been such an amazing friend for so many years.
I grew up in First Baptist Church. This is a major thing for me, I have come to know to know the Lord and I have made so many amazing friends.
Now I have some situations I feel regret from. I don't wish to change them because they have made me a stronger and better person! I am who I am today because of what I've been through in the past.
I grew up with my mom, dad, and three brothers. I was always outside getting dirty and climbing trees, and going on adventures. We always had fun and the boys taught me a lot.
The girly side of me came out when Emily Brafford started coming over to play. We had matching baby dolls. We had a plane at my house and a car at hers. Times were so great! Emily really is the sister I never had. She has been such an amazing friend for so many years.
I grew up in First Baptist Church. This is a major thing for me, I have come to know to know the Lord and I have made so many amazing friends.
Now I have some situations I feel regret from. I don't wish to change them because they have made me a stronger and better person! I am who I am today because of what I've been through in the past.
Why i wouldn't change anything.
I wouldn't change anything in my life because I've learned not to regret a thing because at one point in my life it was everything that i ever wanted.
When my parents decided that we were going to move to Missouri, i was too young to be upset, but if we hadn't moved then i wouldn't have all my best friends that i have and my life would be totally different.
After going back to the town that i lived there for five years; it made me realize that I'm really glad that i was raised in Mt. Vernon. DeWitt Iowa is not where i want to call home. The town doesn't seem as modern, and it seems smaller than Mt. Vernon..even though they are around the same size. I can bad mouth MV all i want, but it has been a good little town. I never thought i'd miss it. But i will be sad to leave the town and everyone.
My life has had its ups and downs but everything works out like they are supposed to. Mistakes that i make here and there may seem like earth shakers at the moment, but they actually point me into the better direction that i needed to go.
I wouldn't change a single thing in my life, because if all else fails I'll still have my family to back me up. My life has turned out pretty amazing.
When my parents decided that we were going to move to Missouri, i was too young to be upset, but if we hadn't moved then i wouldn't have all my best friends that i have and my life would be totally different.
After going back to the town that i lived there for five years; it made me realize that I'm really glad that i was raised in Mt. Vernon. DeWitt Iowa is not where i want to call home. The town doesn't seem as modern, and it seems smaller than Mt. Vernon..even though they are around the same size. I can bad mouth MV all i want, but it has been a good little town. I never thought i'd miss it. But i will be sad to leave the town and everyone.
My life has had its ups and downs but everything works out like they are supposed to. Mistakes that i make here and there may seem like earth shakers at the moment, but they actually point me into the better direction that i needed to go.
I wouldn't change a single thing in my life, because if all else fails I'll still have my family to back me up. My life has turned out pretty amazing.
Memory Book Wanted poster
There would actually be a picture here on my final project.
Chris Farnsworth
Alive of course
Description: Short, red hair, brown eyes, 3 feet, 5 inches
Crimes: Pushing kids down at recess, Taking lunch money, Taking kids food, coloring on tables, signing name on walls, not sharing toys, sleeping past nap time, throwing rocks at teachers, sticking gum under desk, calling names, and tattling.
Chris Farnsworth
Alive of course
Description: Short, red hair, brown eyes, 3 feet, 5 inches
Crimes: Pushing kids down at recess, Taking lunch money, Taking kids food, coloring on tables, signing name on walls, not sharing toys, sleeping past nap time, throwing rocks at teachers, sticking gum under desk, calling names, and tattling.
Monday, May 4, 2009
the summer before my freshman year my parents decided we should take a family vacation. my dad wanted to go back to arizona to see his parents because we hadnt seen them in a few years, and my mom wanted it to be something eduational and something i would remember. they decided that we should take a trip out to the grand canyon, white sands new mexico, the petrified forrest, see some indian ruins, and see my granny and gramps. they decided that i could bring one friend with me so i chose to bring christy tittle along for the ride. we had the best time together. we had always been pretty close but i feel like that trip made us become so much closer. my parents just bought a new camping trailor so we camped the whole way from forrest city, arkansas to bisbee, arizona. it was the trip of my life. christy and i liked to pretend that we were in the pioneer times making the long journey west when we were younger so this trip just showed us how far that really was! we had no idea. although i got to see many major landmarks, i think my favorite part of the whole trip was seeing my granny and gramps. they are the best. i havent seen them since that trip and i am now graduating high school.
Why I Wouldn't Change A Thing
I am proud to say i would not change anything about my life. I wouldn't be the person i am today if it weren't for my past. I have grown up on a farm with my father, mother, my older sister, Jenna, and my younger brother, Heath. We played outside all the time. We always used to play basketball. It was a major competition. We also used to run on hay bales during the summer and go on treasure hunts with mom.
Throughout school, i have made several great friends who i know i can count on. Emily Tebow has been an amazing friend. She has always been there for me no matter what. We have been through a lot together.
As a young girl i grew up in the Red Brick Presbyterian Church. i was there every Sunday morning with my grandparents and a dollar in my pocket for the offering. I went to church there with my granny and Grandad because my parents do not attend church. My granny and grandad have make a huge difference in my life. Without them, i would have never gone to church. i am so grateful to have them in my life. They have taught me so much. I quit going to church there in the eighth grade because there wasn't a youth group. i started attending youth group at First baptist church. i loved it there. A year later, i stopped going there and decided to go to Grace community church. It is a great little church. I loved the youth and the Sunday morning worship. Once i started dating Timothy Schellen, we started going to James River Assembly. I absolutely love this church and i feel like i have finally found the Church for me. Without going to these churches, i would have never realized where i belong and where i feel comfortable.
I am a strong believer in having no regrets in life. i believe that as humans we will make mistakes, but the major thing about making a mistake is to learn from them. i have make several mistakes in my life and i don't wish to change anything about them because through those mistakes i have realized that they have changed me to be a better and stronger person that ever before. That is why i am proud to say i would never change anything about my life.
Throughout school, i have made several great friends who i know i can count on. Emily Tebow has been an amazing friend. She has always been there for me no matter what. We have been through a lot together.
As a young girl i grew up in the Red Brick Presbyterian Church. i was there every Sunday morning with my grandparents and a dollar in my pocket for the offering. I went to church there with my granny and Grandad because my parents do not attend church. My granny and grandad have make a huge difference in my life. Without them, i would have never gone to church. i am so grateful to have them in my life. They have taught me so much. I quit going to church there in the eighth grade because there wasn't a youth group. i started attending youth group at First baptist church. i loved it there. A year later, i stopped going there and decided to go to Grace community church. It is a great little church. I loved the youth and the Sunday morning worship. Once i started dating Timothy Schellen, we started going to James River Assembly. I absolutely love this church and i feel like i have finally found the Church for me. Without going to these churches, i would have never realized where i belong and where i feel comfortable.
I am a strong believer in having no regrets in life. i believe that as humans we will make mistakes, but the major thing about making a mistake is to learn from them. i have make several mistakes in my life and i don't wish to change anything about them because through those mistakes i have realized that they have changed me to be a better and stronger person that ever before. That is why i am proud to say i would never change anything about my life.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
If I could live my life again, I would be more thankful of the circumstances my life has presented me. It’s almost like saying I would rather not live my life again, but I would do it again. God has blessed me richly with everyone I’ve met, all the events in my life, and all that I’ve seen in my life. I wish I just had been more thankful, appreciated people more, and taken a look around more often.
In our time, we spend so much time looking forward and backward, but we never seem to be caught up in the here and now. Even in my senior year, my time has been dedicated to college when I should be enjoying my last year with people I will never see again. It’s kind of sad to think about; these people I’m never going see again, and I’m blowing right past them, never think about those consequences. I was to make a concerned effort to be with my classmates more.
My parents have been the rock on which I can always count on, even when no one else is there. My mother made a comment the other day; “I don’t know what you could do to make me not love you anymore.” That remark really stuck with me, and I think that’s a great indication of the kind of people my parents are. I have never been in need of anything, and the things I think I “have” to have my parents usually don’t give me, because they know it will make me better in the end. If I had to choose someone I could always depend on, my parents would definitely be it.
The Class of 2009 is a special class. We came in with a terrible reputation, and rightfully so I think, but for the most part we lived that reputation down. We’ve made some great memories, from the dough-throwing incident to the bonfire at Nick’s house. I wish we had more time to spend together, but I wish more that I had hung out with them more than I did. I will never forget the experiences I had, but I think I missed out on some because I was too busy in the whirlwind of life.
In our time, we spend so much time looking forward and backward, but we never seem to be caught up in the here and now. Even in my senior year, my time has been dedicated to college when I should be enjoying my last year with people I will never see again. It’s kind of sad to think about; these people I’m never going see again, and I’m blowing right past them, never think about those consequences. I was to make a concerned effort to be with my classmates more.
My parents have been the rock on which I can always count on, even when no one else is there. My mother made a comment the other day; “I don’t know what you could do to make me not love you anymore.” That remark really stuck with me, and I think that’s a great indication of the kind of people my parents are. I have never been in need of anything, and the things I think I “have” to have my parents usually don’t give me, because they know it will make me better in the end. If I had to choose someone I could always depend on, my parents would definitely be it.
The Class of 2009 is a special class. We came in with a terrible reputation, and rightfully so I think, but for the most part we lived that reputation down. We’ve made some great memories, from the dough-throwing incident to the bonfire at Nick’s house. I wish we had more time to spend together, but I wish more that I had hung out with them more than I did. I will never forget the experiences I had, but I think I missed out on some because I was too busy in the whirlwind of life.
The Great Escape
Driving for hours on a long road, passing by cities and countryside,
We finally find ourselves peeking over the buildings to see it,
The vast, powerful, and breathtakingly beautiful ocean,
After all the bickering and laughing we had arrived,
Laying on the scorching white beaches for hours,
Our skin turning from colorless to auburn,
Enjoying the time to take it easy,
Eating the marvelous fresh seafood,
Enjoying the sunset walks on the white sand,
We had to leave our short-lived vacation home,
And return to our regular lives and permanent abode,
The rolling lush green hills and wide open space of Missouri,
Driving for hours on a long road, passing by cities and countryside
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Letter to My Old Youth Group
This is just the intro and the conclusion to my letter; the rest of it is kind of long. Feel free to address . . .
Dear Covenant's Youth Group:
You affectionately called me your "baby"; little did you know your influence would be an essential component of my growing up. Over and over again, you have stretched me in leadership, in my gifts, and in Christ. For this, I will always be thankful. . .
I stand here today in awe of where God has brought me over the last few years. Perfection is no where in sight, but God has grown me up some, and much of that growing I owe to you. I've become a leader where following was visible. I've become a guitarist where tone-deaf ears and rhythm-less hands used to rule. I've become stronger in my faith where weakness ironically dominated. I've become who I am because of God's work through you.
This is inadequate, but it's all I have left to say: thank you and God bless.
Brigette Ketron
Your baby grown up a bit
Dear Covenant's Youth Group:
You affectionately called me your "baby"; little did you know your influence would be an essential component of my growing up. Over and over again, you have stretched me in leadership, in my gifts, and in Christ. For this, I will always be thankful. . .
I stand here today in awe of where God has brought me over the last few years. Perfection is no where in sight, but God has grown me up some, and much of that growing I owe to you. I've become a leader where following was visible. I've become a guitarist where tone-deaf ears and rhythm-less hands used to rule. I've become stronger in my faith where weakness ironically dominated. I've become who I am because of God's work through you.
This is inadequate, but it's all I have left to say: thank you and God bless.
Brigette Ketron
Your baby grown up a bit
Valley of the Sun
This chapter covers what i miss about Arizona, which was my home for about five years...
The Valley Of the Sun (entrance)
No green, just brown
No moisture, just dry air
No clouds, just blue sky.
I had heard stories of places where the sky doesn't give water.
Where grass is scares, and humidity is non-existant.
But i never thought id leave my green hilly home for the valley of the sun.
Ride across country on the back of a giant bird.
To arrive in a desert bowl, a valley of scorpions and rattlesnake
moving from middle country, to the west...
What a trip.
The Valley Of the Sun (entrance)
No green, just brown
No moisture, just dry air
No clouds, just blue sky.
I had heard stories of places where the sky doesn't give water.
Where grass is scares, and humidity is non-existant.
But i never thought id leave my green hilly home for the valley of the sun.
Ride across country on the back of a giant bird.
To arrive in a desert bowl, a valley of scorpions and rattlesnake
moving from middle country, to the west...
What a trip.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Week 10: Memory Book

Task: Post one chapter (or at least a section of a chapter) from your memory book. Let us know if you want just kind comments (bless) or if there are any areas you would need direction (address.) Then spend some time responding to one another's writing. This will be very helpful as you enter the revision stage of this chapter. Complete this by Wednesday, April 29.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
There has been a lot happening around town lately. Who knows the truth? Who is commiting all of these crimes? The King was killed sometime in the night on Sunday. He was found with a dagger beside him. His guards were drunk with the Kings blood all over them. Did they really kill their King? This town is in for it. Anyone could be targeted by the crazy killer next!
There have been several murders around town lately and we are all trying to figure out what is going on. The king was found dead with dagger wounds all over him. That same night the guards who are supposed to be watching over the king were also found dead and they were extremely intoxicated. Did the guards kill the king and then commit suicide so they wouldn't get caught? Who could have had the strength and courage to kill the king and his guards?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
We are all wondering who did it?Who murdered the King?and the Guards?The king was stabbed over and over. The guards were in fact intoxicated and were covered in blood. A lot of people are suspecting the guards killed the king and then themselves so they wouldn't be convicted. Is the murder still out there?Or did he commit suicide?
Murder Murder Murder
There has been much death going on around the town. King Duncan found murdered on Saturday night. It seemed he died from dagger wounds. Guardsman were irresponsible and got belligerently drunk while they were supposed to be watching over the King. Its a tragic loss and the murderer must be found and put to justice.
murder still on the loose
many people have heard about the strange murders in the past couple days. first the king was murdered while staying at macbeths house. it seemed as though it was his guards that murdered him but they were also found dead, leaving us to wonder who could have done this. as of this morning we have found yet another person murdered. banquo was found murdered. when will all this stop? who will be next?
Have you heard
As we have all heard Macbeth has been named Thane of Cawdor and King Duncan went to Macbeth's to celebrate. We have evidence that weird things were happening that night before the King was murdered. An owl killed a falcon, King Duncan's horses turned wild and ate each other. Since the King's death his son's have fled. We have suspsion that Macbeth has grown greedy and taken it upon himself to take the thrown. The only question to ask is how far will he go?
casting call
if i had to chose two people to play the part of macbeth and lady macbeth i would chose keanu reeves would make a good macbeth because he could add some of his awsome action into the battle. alex borstein would make a great lady macbeth because she defanently could be very frightning and she is funny while she is
Monday, April 20, 2009
Death to our Dearest
Have you ever heard the reference its a "dog eat dog world out there"? Well as of late its a horse eat horse world! King Duncan has been slain and some rather odd things have happened in response to this murder. Noisey Birds, Black nights, and earthquakes; me thinks the murder of our dear king has dissrupted nature its self! But who could be at fault??? Many say it was the guards, soked in the blood of our late king, drinched in guilt. But we will never get a confession from the likes of them, Because death took hold of them after the "dashing and couragous" Macbeth looked apon there guilt and over come with passion slew them with the very daggers that slew dear Duncan. Others say it was the kings power hungry sons, who shortly fled the country after the murder of the king. Who ever it was heaven frowns apon them and is shurly cursed, they shall reap that which they sow.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
King Duncan Murdered!
The night before last was the craziest night in living history, with screaming owls, wailing winds and, some even say, earthquakes. Yesterday itself was dark as night, and we recieved word from Lord Ross that King Duncan's best horses broke out of their stalls and ate each other. The reason for all this madness? King Duncan himself has been murdered!
Who could have done this terrible thing? The answer at first seemed to be the late king's own guards, as they were found asleep and covered in blood, clutching bloody daggers. The sight so enraged Macbeth, Thane of both Glamis and Cawdor, that he slew them.
It is now thought that the guards were framed by King Duncan's own sons, who have fled the country. Macbeth is to take their place as Duncan's heir, the new king.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Week 9: "Enquiring minds want to know..."
Your task: In the style of The National Enquirer (check it out here), write a tabloid article describing one of the events from Act I, II, or III of Macbeth. We have read about some pretty sensational acts. Now write about one of them in the same sensational style found in the tabloids. Keep in mind that I'm sure that not everything in The National Enquirer is 100% fact. It is completely acceptable (desired!) to embellish the truth. Just be sure that the initial frame of the story remains the same. If you really want to get crazy, add a picture to your post. I will give extra credit for extra effort here. Have fun with this! Create your post and comment on another post by Wednesday, April 22.
The Inexperienced Casting Director
I don't know many actors or actresses because I don't watch many movies. When I do, I only bother to find out the name of the actor or actress if I really, really liked his or her acting. That doesn't happen very often. Having said that, I would probably give the role of Macbeth to Johnny Dep. I've really only seen him in Pirates of the Carribean and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--which fact reveals my ignorance--but I've heard of him in other movies and been told he did a really good job. I do know that he really throws himself into his roles, which is exactly what it would take to play Macbeth.
I went to Google for an actress, because I know even fewer actresses than actors, and clicked on the first name I saw: Joely Richardson! I looked up her biography and took a glance at her movies and really know nothing about her other than the fact that she's a forty-four-year old British woman who played Marie Antoinette in The Affair of the Necklace. Based on that completely inadequate knowledge, I've decided that she would be perfect to play Lady Macbeth. How could she not be if she's played Marie Antoinette?
I went to Google for an actress, because I know even fewer actresses than actors, and clicked on the first name I saw: Joely Richardson! I looked up her biography and took a glance at her movies and really know nothing about her other than the fact that she's a forty-four-year old British woman who played Marie Antoinette in The Affair of the Necklace. Based on that completely inadequate knowledge, I've decided that she would be perfect to play Lady Macbeth. How could she not be if she's played Marie Antoinette?
Tom Hanks
Frankly, my family and I have been viciously attacked by my choice of Tom Hanks as the best actor in the world, and I now have a challenge...find one actor that is better than Tom Hanks. Thank you. Case closed.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I would choose Keira Knightley to play Lady Macbeth because she is a really strong actress and in most her movies she plays a strong woman ahead of her time. For Macbeth I would choose Ashton Kutcher because he can play the part very well, especially when he is unsure whether to commit the murder.
The crew
I would choose Josh Lucas to play Macbeth because he is gorgeous and he has an amazing voice when he is very cute! He also acts very well and did an amazing job acting in Sweet Home Alabama. For Lady Macbeth I would choose Kate Hudson because she is a very good actress and she knows what she is doing when it comes to acting and putting herself into her character.
For Macbeth I would choose Denzel Washington. He does very well under pressure and he really gets into his character. With the movies I have seen him in he does well persuading the audience. For Lady Macbeth I would choose Angelina Jolie. To me she seems very deceptive and sneaky. She would do well as this character, trying to persuade Macbeth.
I would pick Angelina Jolie to play Lady Macbeth, she has played that type of character in many movies before, she is strong and plays a good temptress/gets what she wants kinda girl.
The casting for Macbeth is a little harder... And i hate to sound unoriginal but I'd say Brad pit would be the best actor for the job, for one Angelina and Brad have great chemistry in the movies they star in together, two Brad Pit was an awesome Achilles in the movie Troy and i believe there are many of similarities between Macbeth and Achilles.
The casting for Macbeth is a little harder... And i hate to sound unoriginal but I'd say Brad pit would be the best actor for the job, for one Angelina and Brad have great chemistry in the movies they star in together, two Brad Pit was an awesome Achilles in the movie Troy and i believe there are many of similarities between Macbeth and Achilles.
The Cast for Macbeth
For Macbeth i would choose Matthew Mcconaughey simple because he's gorgeous, and it would bring high school girls to the movies just to see him therefore a profit would be made. And for the the role of Lady Macbeth i would choose Rachel McAdams (she was Regina George in Mean Girls) because she can make people love her but yet she is mean.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Macbeth: The movie

If I had to choose Macbeth I would choose Tom Hanks, because Tom Hanks simply does not make bad movies, and he is the best actor in the world (you cannot argue this point). For Lady Macbeth, I would choose Angelina Jolie, because she wears the pants in every relationship she's in, plus she's Laura Croft, the Tomb Raider. This is the perfect cast for Macbeth: The Movie.
the Witches
I pictured the witches to all look a little similar and creepy like the three witches on that halloween movie that used to play on the disney channel. Thats what i was expecting!! I also thought that when they talked that they would all three be in unison instead of staggering voices.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Macbeth: The Movie Auditions Starting Today
Thank You
The new and improved Macbeth, better then the 1600s.
I would probably like to include Tom Hanks to play Macbeth. The reason I would like to include him in this play is because he is a very good actor. He can play the role good in any of his movies he plays in. If you have ever seen the movie Cast Away he plays a very good part in the lost soon to be crazy guy always talking to his volleyball (Willson). He can take on the roll of any character he plays. He is a strong actor with a lot of talent. I would like to include Angelina Jolie to play lady Macbeth. She is a really good actor, and can play the roll of any of her characters. If you didnt know who she was and you seen her on the street, and she gave you an evil look you might get scared. She looks like she can play a tuff, yet brillent character.
The witches in macbeth, the witches in macbeth, the witches in machbeth.
I always had an image of the witches as being kind of tall with a surrounding gas. I thought it would show Macbeth walking in to a flash of lights and demons throughout the room. I definetly saw some different interpretations of what the witches looked like in the videos. But I think Shakespeare will really be the only one that understands the true image of them. Or maybe he intended them to be that mysterious.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Week 8 - Casting Director
Task: If you were to make a movie of Macbeth, what modern-day actors would you cast to play Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? Name the actors and give a thorough explanation, and then post a comment to another post. If you really want to get fancy, you can even include photos in your post. Are you tech-savvy enough to figure that out???
Monday, April 6, 2009
i imagine the witches to all three be really old and ugly. i think of them out in the middle of no where doing their thing. i couldnt watch the video because my computer is messed up but from reading other posts there is a young witch and i really didnt see that coming.
Well... I thought all three witches would be around the same age. Also i portrayed them as ugly, ragged, raspy voices,old, with messy hair and such. But the three witches that are in the video their ages are kinda spread out. There is a very young an pretty one (which i didn't expect AT ALL) but the other two meet my expectations a little better. :)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I pictured them the same in their looks like the old lady with the sunken in skin for sure. but what i pictured them doing was like stading over a boiling cauldren. And then when they talked i expected them to be in unison.
Macbeth Witches
I was surprised more by the setting of the clip as opposed to the appearance of the witches. I pictured them off in the forest in the middle of the night doing their thing. The appearance of the young witch did surprise me, though. I definitely expected them all to look more like the other two - older, and more scraggly looking.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So... fair is foul and foul is fair...
I definitely pictured the witches differently, sort of like the young-looking one only with scraggly pirate beards. I also kind of thought their unison would have been more in unison, instead of the higher voice lagging half a beat behind, but I really hadn't thought about what they were doing. I sort of imagined them wondering across the stage and just randomly talking to each other, then just arranging another meeting place. I obviously don't use my imagination very much when I'm reading...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Foul is fair, and fair is foul
well to tell you the truth, my computer was messing up a tad bit. I couldnt really hear them. The description was pretty close, the witches were really gross looking. The witches were out in the middle of nowhere, and they were burying a hand. They put a knife in the persons hand. They buried it, and poured blood on top of the sand and they casted a spell on it and walked away.
A Thematic Discussion
You make your own destiny, hm? Well, that's at least partially true. It's everybody's destiny to die, but you can choose what path you take to get there, though you don't always get to choose when you step off the path, where "there" is. You don't get to control things like natural disasters, and whethere you're fired from your job, but you can choose how you handle it and what kind of a person it makes you. So maybe you don't get to completely make your own destiny--maybe there's some sort of template you have to follow--but you get to pick your colors and shapes and how much you tack on.
The end justifies the means... No. You can't do evil in order to do good. If you have to cheat or lie or steal or otherwise get dirty to reach your goals, then you don't deserve them. You don't deserve the credit or the satisfying sense of accomplishment, because you undermined your character and broke the rules, the important ones, the rules of life. You just reduced yourself, muddied yourself, put dirt in the pure mountain water. You can clean yourself up or let the mud settle, but you're not the same anymore... Not to mention all the harm you can do to other people in the ruthless means of your ends.
The end justifies the means... No. You can't do evil in order to do good. If you have to cheat or lie or steal or otherwise get dirty to reach your goals, then you don't deserve them. You don't deserve the credit or the satisfying sense of accomplishment, because you undermined your character and broke the rules, the important ones, the rules of life. You just reduced yourself, muddied yourself, put dirt in the pure mountain water. You can clean yourself up or let the mud settle, but you're not the same anymore... Not to mention all the harm you can do to other people in the ruthless means of your ends.
The three witches physical appearance in the short clip I found was somewhat accurate to my own interpretation. The opening scene was very powerful as the witches were burying a person’s arm along with a rope and knife. Physical descriptions in the play seemed to expand more on the disfiguring physique of the witches, and explained a little bit more about their man-like features. Overall the weird sisters bared a decent resemblance to what I had pictured.
As far as the first statement goes, I would say not everything in the future is written in stone. I think we can make our own choices that can decide our future, but I also believe that there are things that are destined to happen. As far as the second statement goes, I agree to a point but I do not believe that it applies to everything. Some things that were meant to happen can not be justified by a choice you made if it was destined to happen.
The Answers to the 2 Statements That Were Written
In a way I actually kind of disagree with both of these. I think that we can do what we can in life to try and succeed the goals we want to do. But I think overall everything is already made up. Their is a plan made for us. Sometimes it just comes down to whether or not we are able to accept it. And as far as the end justifies the means. That is basically saying that I don't care how I get there, as long as it ends good for me than I am happy. Which I would disagree with. I want to feel worthy of the things that I have done, but not to the point where I disregard anything in my way. It will be interesting how Macbeth portrays this.
I believe that you are the maker of your own destiny. I believe if you are you will succeed most of the time. You will have to try hard. If you aim your goals high and you dont reach it completely you will still hit high, if you aim low you will always hit low. I think if your goal is to go to college and graduate and you do accomplish that you will be successful. I think once you reach the end it will have a mean.
Death of a Salesman
I think the characters have a lot in common. Willy wanted money and to be happy. Happy just did what his dad wanted him to do to make him happy. Biff just wanted his dad to be happy with him. In the end Biff ended up not caring anymore. He did what he wanted. Willy gave up, he ended his own life. Happy just went with the flow and he will not end up happy in the long run.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Week 7 - Fair is foul and foul is fair...
Your task: Watch this short clip of Act I, scene i from Macbeth. (There are actually lots of great Macbeth video clips on YouTube. Some are even school projects by other high school students.) Does this video clip portray the witches as you had imagined them? Is there another video that does a better job? Or had you pictured something entirely different as you read about the witches in the beginning of the play? Watch the video, create your own post about your idea for the witches, and comment on another post by Monday, April 6. Have fun! Fair is foul and foul is fair....
statment one: i agree that everyone can make their own destiney but i also believe that your destiny is planned out in gods eyes. you can make disicons to alter your life but god knows exactly what you are going to do and when
statment two: when you set a goal it should be something you really want to reach so if you work really hard then you will feel great when you reach that goal. some goals are not possible for instance if someone in a wheel chair wants to be the fastest runner he would have to work much harder and would feel better when he is done.
statment two: when you set a goal it should be something you really want to reach so if you work really hard then you will feel great when you reach that goal. some goals are not possible for instance if someone in a wheel chair wants to be the fastest runner he would have to work much harder and would feel better when he is done.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Statement one:YES
Statement two: NO
I believe firmly that everyone "makes" their own destiny, they themselves design it. It is the individual who chooses their way of perceiving the world which ultimately leads that individual into making the choices that effect their future. If you choose to believe that you have no control, you wont, but it was you who made it so. "If you say you can't then you can't, but if you say you can that is also true" -Henry Ford.
The ends do not always justify the means, Ive seen, heard, and read of people who do horrible/terrible things in the name of a "justifiable" objective... That statement just isn't true.
Statement two: NO
I believe firmly that everyone "makes" their own destiny, they themselves design it. It is the individual who chooses their way of perceiving the world which ultimately leads that individual into making the choices that effect their future. If you choose to believe that you have no control, you wont, but it was you who made it so. "If you say you can't then you can't, but if you say you can that is also true" -Henry Ford.
The ends do not always justify the means, Ive seen, heard, and read of people who do horrible/terrible things in the name of a "justifiable" objective... That statement just isn't true.
As Wilson put it in our discussion - the ultimate question of Christianity is how God can be all knowing, yet still give us a choice. In a way, our lives are planned out, because God knows exactly how they will all end and what will happen between now and then. At the same time, as much as the explanation of this eludes me, we are given the gift of choosing what desicions we'll make. As far as the second question goes - I think that if you reach your goal, but you did it by compromising your values, then it's not worth it. The end does not justify the means.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
i think God has everything planned out for each person. He knows everything that a person will do before he or she does it. I think that the choices we make are because God allows them. He has programed everyone to do certain things or think certain things which determines our goals, so when you thin about it everything is already decided and planned out for you. It is just a matter of trusting God with your life and listening to Him for guidance and instruction.
I think everyone's future is already planned out for them. They have the choice on how to act and react in every situation but I still believe that is already known. With the end picture, each individual decides their own destiny. If you look you know how things will end the path just may be different then you pictured.
I believe that God has everyone's life planned out for how he wants it. I know that my life is in God hands, and I trust in that! I think that everything happens for a reason and that is in His control. I believe that if we trust in God, that in the end we will be happy, because without Him it would be hard to find happiness.
I think everything is already planned out for you, if it is meant to work out it will. I think God just has everything taken care of and thats perfectly fine with me. I don't know about the second one, im undecided. I am looking foward to reading it Macbeth though.
Friday, March 27, 2009
You are the maker of your own destiny...
I believe this is true, i don't really believe in fate. I think that each decision you make and every action you take changes the course of events in your life. When you are faced with a problem and you look at the options and choose your next course of action, this effects the next thing that happens to you. Therefore, you are deciding how your life turns out. You call the plays in life... Your decisions can make or break you.
I believe this is true, i don't really believe in fate. I think that each decision you make and every action you take changes the course of events in your life. When you are faced with a problem and you look at the options and choose your next course of action, this effects the next thing that happens to you. Therefore, you are deciding how your life turns out. You call the plays in life... Your decisions can make or break you.
Monday, March 23, 2009
death of a salesman
I think old willy is a bit different,i think his job is the thing that is driving him crazy.I think it hurts him not to be around his family a lot. He wants the best for his sons, he shows it when he tells Biff to ask for 15,000 instead of 10,000. he wants his sons to be successful. I did get confused sometimes during the movies, with all the flashbacks though.
Week 6 - Macbeth
We'll soon be reading one of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, Macbeth. Before we start reading, I want to hear your ideas on some of the themes found in Macbeth. In this week's post, please respond to the following two statements. Tell us if you agree or disagree and explain why. Also, don't forget to comment on a classmate's post as well. This needs to be finished by Monday, March 30 at 8 a.m.
Statement 1: You are the maker of your own destiny.
Statement 2: If you reach your goal, the end always justifies the means.
We now welcome Angry, Happy, Confused, and Fib.
For me Willy seems to just be a man who really wants his dream to come through, and is determined to make it happen no matter the consequences, but it is just not falling through. Linda Loman just wants her family to have the good normal life, but is ashamed of all the flaws that her family has and tries to just ignore them. Example being when she was too embarresed to talk to Willy about trying to kill himself. Happy just seems to be trying to make everyone get along. I would almost go as far as saying that he really doesn't have a mind of his own. He just wants to make his dad proud by following the wrong footsteps. Then there is Biff, through all this, it seems as though Biff is the only real sane one in the house. He begins to think things through and knows that Willy has become a little too crazy to be basing his ideals around him. I see him having a more succesful/happy life than any of the others.
death of a salsmen the charactes
willie loman seems to me to be a fruit cake. i undersand he is old but honestly he is so rediculous. he over emphasizes everything. biff tryed to understand his dad but i believe he had a hard time and thats why they never really get along. happy was as his name says happy. all the time he is allways smiling and trying to cheer people up. but he has his weakness as most teen boys and a little older,Girls. happy loves his dad but he turned his dad away for a girl. as for charlie he is a good neighbor he is allways there to help willie in his time of need. i wish i could have seen how the movie ended but i have my idea.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Willy and His Family
I have to agree with everyone else who's already posted: I don't like Willy Loman. He's so self-centered and prideful. He doesn't care about what his kids want or need, either - he just wants to live his own dreams through them. He won't listen to reason, even when it comes from his wife. He can't stand it if he's not the best, so he pushes reality farther and farther away, until he actually believes that he's well-liked and a great salesman. Happy is much like his father in his people-pleaser personality, but Biff seems to have the same understanding that things cannot go on the way Willy wanted them to. I feel sorry for Linda because of the way she's treated by both Willy and her boys, even though she seems to like being in the dark most of the time. I think Biff, despite his past experiences and his poor relationship with his father, will be successful in life. He may not have all the money in the world, but he'll be successful because he'll be happy. All in all, the movie was a little slow getting started, but I enjoyed it more and more as it progressed. It definitely fits into our American Dream theme very well.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
To Die the Death of a Salesman...
It seems as though that's what Willy wanted after all: to die the death of a salesman. He wanted to be so loved and respected that, when he died, there would be countless people at his funeral, just like at that 84-year-old's funeral. I guess, in a way, he did die the death of a salesman, driving somewhere in his car--though it's more of a suicide than anyone else. I feel like I should pity him for the miserable life he lived, especially at the end, when all of his dreams wrenched themselves out of his grasp just before they could be realized. But, no, I can't pity him. He worked too hard to deceive himself and others, so much so that he couldn't even tell his lies from the truth, and he took his guilt out on everyone else.
I see Hap in almost the same way--he's a self-deceiver to the core, and I'm sure it will lead him to nearly the same end as his father. On the other hand, I have fairly high hopes for Biff and Linda. Linda may have had her head in the sand a lot of the time, but she wasn't really the one to bury it there, and she may yet have the chance to be happy. I'm almost certain that Biff will, because he's found out who he is and what he's going to do it, and he is no longer going to compromise it to please anyone. Biff will be a strong man after all.
I see Hap in almost the same way--he's a self-deceiver to the core, and I'm sure it will lead him to nearly the same end as his father. On the other hand, I have fairly high hopes for Biff and Linda. Linda may have had her head in the sand a lot of the time, but she wasn't really the one to bury it there, and she may yet have the chance to be happy. I'm almost certain that Biff will, because he's found out who he is and what he's going to do it, and he is no longer going to compromise it to please anyone. Biff will be a strong man after all.
Death of a Salesman
I thought this movie was pretty good for the most part. I didn't like Willy. All he did was yell thorughout the entire movie. He was extremely rude to his wife and his two boys. I think Linda thinks too highly of her husband because all she did was stick up for him whenever he treated his boys bad. I also thought Willy was very selfish because all he cared about was himself. He wanted to have the perfect job and make a lot of money to make him happy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Death of a Salesman
I don't like Willy at all because he is cruel to his family and has too much pride to take a job when he really needs one. Linda, his wife, tries to overlook things that he does cause she thinks of him so highly. Happy is annoying; he doesn't care about his family and he likes women even though he is supposed to be getting married. Biff tried to keep everyone together and is the one that will make something of himself cause he will do something that he loves. I didn't really like it.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I personally don't Willy or his wife... I feel Willy is a dillusional and hateful man who cares about nothing except his fasade... And his wife is clueless!!! its rediculous. I don't like Happy because he's a lier and a womenizer. I do like Ben, even though we just get glimpses of him. Biff is the only other characture i like, because he is who he is and he isnt afraid to face himself... The movie is a mind twist, i liked the ending but the start was slow. :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
my dreams
Well i hope to do what most everyone else wants to do at this point. I want to go to college for the next four years and get a good job doing something i love. I would LOVE to travel the world and meet people along the way. i hope to live here all my life but have a summer home in san juan island in Washington so i can see the orcas. i want to do things i would never otherwise do like off of yesman. (good movie) i want to be happy.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Week 5 - Death of a Salesman
For your next post, I want to read your thoughts about the characters in Death of a Salesman. What do you think of Willy Loman? What about the rest of his family? Do you think they are sympathetic characters? Likable? Really, I'm just asking for your supported opinions about the characters. Also, be sure to COMMENT on someone else's post. This is due by Monday, March 23, at 8:00 a.m. Have fun!
When i Close my Eyes
Dreams... my dreams... I have many, I've always wanted to be in the field of archeology (sense i was eight years old). I want to travel the world, see it all. I want to meet people of different cultures and beliefs... I believe it helps on the road to enlightenment. I want to grow into a good person and stand strongly in my ways, but always keep an open mind... I can't remember if i already wrote about this topic or not, but i want the grade so i thought i would do it just in case. :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My Dreams!
I have a lot of big dreams. first off i am planning to attend OTC when i graduate highschool. then i want to tansfer to a 4yr college and get a degree in nursing or maybe become a radiologist. i want to get married and someday have two kids, maybe three. i want to be a good wife and mother. someday i want to travel the world and take a ton of pictures of everywhere i go.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Repair and Restore
Ok, so I have a lot of dreams for the future, but I'm not sure how many of them will actually become reality. I know God's given me a heart for mission work for some reason or another. Sometimes, my dreams of missions in Africa consist of these beautiful pictures of stirring a pot over an open fire with a black baby tied to my back and fuzzy-headed toddlers wrestling with their "Daddy" in the yard. Then, I'm reminded of the three d's - dirt, disease, and death - and I pretty much say, "Omgosh - God, I don't think I can do that." Whether or not full-time mission work is in my future, I know that the medical field is calling my name. I also know that wherever God sends me, He will provide. All I have to do is obey, and God even helps with that. In Isaiah 58:10-12 He says, "If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness . . . The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail . . . You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." Whether it be a broken bone or a broken heart in America or Africa, my dream in a nutshell is to repair and restore.
My Dream
i have many dreams. i want to first get through high school and move on to college. Past that i want to have a family and be in a position to just be happy with life. i want to have a job that i love and that i can think of as something fun instead of a job. i dream about things being better for my kids. things such as the economy and schooling. i want them to have every opportunity to make the best they can of themselves. i guess most of my dream seems alot like the typical american dream, but i honestly am not to worried about the whole apparance of perfection. i just want to end up being happy.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
my dream
My dream may be somewhat boring, and I know that I'll probably be thought of as someone who conformed to the world, but I really think that God gave me a brain for a reason, and it would be a shame not to use it. I want to be a chemical engineer and either work for oil and gas to develop alternative fuels or work in the medical field in research and development. I hate to sound like a materialist, but I still want a nice house, and be able to afford the things I want. Too many times we dream about what we want to do without taking the necessary steps to accomplish those dreams. I would love to say I want to live like Emerson and Thoreau and live the penniless, hippy life, but that doesn't fit my perception of my American Dream. I think dear old Walt Whitman said it best:
OH ME! O life! of the questions of these recurring, Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities filled with the foolish, Of myself forever reproaching, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?) Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renewed, Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me, Of the empty and useless years of the rest, and with the rest me, intertwined, Q: O me! so sad, recurring - what good amid these, O me O life?
Answer: That you are here - that life exists and identity, That the powerful play goes on, and YOU may contribute a verse.
OH ME! O life! of the questions of these recurring, Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities filled with the foolish, Of myself forever reproaching, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?) Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renewed, Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me, Of the empty and useless years of the rest, and with the rest me, intertwined, Q: O me! so sad, recurring - what good amid these, O me O life?
Answer: That you are here - that life exists and identity, That the powerful play goes on, and YOU may contribute a verse.
My Dreams Are Ribbons, and I Sleep in the Breeze
I love words, love stringing them together and waving them around like ribbon, rolling in them like water and throwing them like rain, but sometimes I'm afraid I'll break them somehow. It's been my dream for a very long time to be a writer of books, fantasies, but I worry that I'll never be able to finish them. I never seem to be able to finish anything storywise.
Sometimes I look at the life I want to lead, and I see an exciting life full of adventures, things like bungee-jumping and sky-diving and mountain climbing. Other times I see myself sitting on the porch in one of those hammock-type swings, watching my little children play in the light of a golden afternoon. Then sometimes I see myself as a foster mom, teaching my foster kids how to make pots and write poetry and cook, showing them what a mom is supposed to be like (though how I'll know is really beyond me). How could I have such different dreams for myself? The only thing the same in any of them, the thread that runs through them all, is that I'm a writer.
I do wonder if I'll really ever be a good writer, or if I'll end up doing something else. I look at the few stories I've completed, and I'm not satisfied -- in fact, I worry sometimes that I'll be one of those people who can't write, but nevertheless decides it would be a lovely idea to publish a book, or a series of books. I hope not.
It's okay, though. Dreams to me are like water and air to other people -- they are my sustenance, and I thrive on them. But if they can only ever be dreams, at least they'll be my dreams, and that's enough for me.
Sometimes I look at the life I want to lead, and I see an exciting life full of adventures, things like bungee-jumping and sky-diving and mountain climbing. Other times I see myself sitting on the porch in one of those hammock-type swings, watching my little children play in the light of a golden afternoon. Then sometimes I see myself as a foster mom, teaching my foster kids how to make pots and write poetry and cook, showing them what a mom is supposed to be like (though how I'll know is really beyond me). How could I have such different dreams for myself? The only thing the same in any of them, the thread that runs through them all, is that I'm a writer.
I do wonder if I'll really ever be a good writer, or if I'll end up doing something else. I look at the few stories I've completed, and I'm not satisfied -- in fact, I worry sometimes that I'll be one of those people who can't write, but nevertheless decides it would be a lovely idea to publish a book, or a series of books. I hope not.
It's okay, though. Dreams to me are like water and air to other people -- they are my sustenance, and I thrive on them. But if they can only ever be dreams, at least they'll be my dreams, and that's enough for me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Catching Dreams and Chasing Butterflies.
First of all I would like to say that I like this week's topic, It really got me thinking.
As a child I had the mind-set that anything at all was possible and the confidence to prove this to anyone. Then I began thinking of some of my childhood dreams...
The first of my dreams that I can remember was my dream of being an artist. From an early age, I have always been fascinated with drawing, writing, singing, painting, and pretty much anything to do with creativity.
The next dream I can remember was my dream of becoming a dolphin trainer. Dolphins were and still are, my favorite animal. I always wanted to see the ocean one day, and last May I finally got to do so. Although I highly doubt I will ever be a dolphin trainer, one day I would like to become SCUBA certified.
Another of my childhood dreams was to be a musician and to sing in front of crowds. I now have terrible stage fright. But I still love to sing. Mostly in the shower or when i'm alone in my car, and I'll keep it at that for now.
I have always wanted to travel, so this brings me to my next dream of traveling the world. I want to see things that most people never get the chance to see and experience things most people don't, and finally encounter people that most won't. I am a writer and have been for as long as I can recall. As I travel the world, I want to write about my travels and someday share them with a family of my own.
Which leads me to one of my more recent dreams of becoming a published author. As I said previously, writing is a large component in my life and one of my favorite things to do in my free time.
The list could go on but to name a few more, I want to make a difference, make my parents proud, find joy in life, and someday hopefully become a mother as incredible as my own. As the years have passed, my dreams have obviously evolved and have become somewhat more realistic. Although those dreams of becoming a dolphin trainer or a proffessional musician may never happen, bits and pieces of those dreams still desire to be lived inside me today. So for now, I will keep doodling in the corners of my paper, singing in my car, and chasing my dreams!
Thnks for reading all!
As a child I had the mind-set that anything at all was possible and the confidence to prove this to anyone. Then I began thinking of some of my childhood dreams...
The first of my dreams that I can remember was my dream of being an artist. From an early age, I have always been fascinated with drawing, writing, singing, painting, and pretty much anything to do with creativity.
The next dream I can remember was my dream of becoming a dolphin trainer. Dolphins were and still are, my favorite animal. I always wanted to see the ocean one day, and last May I finally got to do so. Although I highly doubt I will ever be a dolphin trainer, one day I would like to become SCUBA certified.
Another of my childhood dreams was to be a musician and to sing in front of crowds. I now have terrible stage fright. But I still love to sing. Mostly in the shower or when i'm alone in my car, and I'll keep it at that for now.
I have always wanted to travel, so this brings me to my next dream of traveling the world. I want to see things that most people never get the chance to see and experience things most people don't, and finally encounter people that most won't. I am a writer and have been for as long as I can recall. As I travel the world, I want to write about my travels and someday share them with a family of my own.
Which leads me to one of my more recent dreams of becoming a published author. As I said previously, writing is a large component in my life and one of my favorite things to do in my free time.
The list could go on but to name a few more, I want to make a difference, make my parents proud, find joy in life, and someday hopefully become a mother as incredible as my own. As the years have passed, my dreams have obviously evolved and have become somewhat more realistic. Although those dreams of becoming a dolphin trainer or a proffessional musician may never happen, bits and pieces of those dreams still desire to be lived inside me today. So for now, I will keep doodling in the corners of my paper, singing in my car, and chasing my dreams!
Thnks for reading all!
Daydream Believer and a Homecoming QueeeEEEeen
My dream ohh. my dream. Where do I start. I dont even know where start. There are just so many subjects that I would want to discuss. Lets see... my dream. Just thinking about what I want to actually write down is funfilled. Ohh.. boy this is gonna be good. Man, what to say for my dream... I want to live.
my dream
My dream is to have a nice house, not nessesarly a big house, but a nice one, a big family and and a great job were i can be happy every day. dreams can come true if you really believe. i have allways been told that and i will allways believe. but what is a dream though? a dream could be something when you sleep or what you want in the future so what really is a dream?
My Dreams
I have many dreams, I want to accomplish. I want to attend college in the future and have a good career. I want to get a good job and start a good life. I want to start a family in the future but not right away and maybe have a kid or two but thats to long of a ways to think about. Im still unsure what I want to major in, but i have a bit of a while to think about that since the first two years are just core classes anyways.
I think old Edgar Poe's poem is talking about his dream of being with someone you love. I think he is about to lose, or already lost his love of his life. He talks about how he used to kiss her upon her brow and how he is parting from her now. That is what im getting from the poem but I could have been interperting it wrong.
My Dream
My dream is almost going to come true. Ever since my brother went to MSU (at that time SMS) I knew that's where I wanted to go. So this fall I will be attending MSU and I plan to graduate with a major in Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Business. After I graduate I plan to open my own fashion boutique and sell high-end apparel. All my life I've loved fashion, and I can't wait for my dream to come true.
My Dreams... hrmmmm.
My dreams are simple, i want to travel the world with only the clothing on my back, well maybe a backpack of assortments. I want to be happy and free. I want to join the peace core and go to south america or inda to help people in need. I want to learn how to tattoo, blow/eat fire, and maybe go to college. I want to see the world change for the better and be apart of that change. I want to die young, at the ripe old age of 45. I want to stop crulity in general. I want to see a billion + different smileing faces. My dreams are simple.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Week 4 - YOUR Dreams
So we've spent lots of time writing and talking about the American Dream in the context of history and of literature. Now I want you to spend some time reflecting your own personal dreams. As we near the last quarter of your senior year, what are YOUR dreams? For the next few months? For life after high school?
Who knows? Someday we might be reading your short stories or talking about your historical speeches!
Your task: Create your post about your own dream and comment on at least one other post by Monday, March 9. Have fun!
Mrs. W
i hear america singing
this poem makes me think about all the people in all the different professions that it talks about. in each one it seems as though they are happy with their life and profession. i think this would be ideal. today it seems as though many people have the jobs they have because of the money. and i think alot of the time people end up quitting because they realize money cant buy everything. and without any kind of income they end up even more unhappy. i recently went through the dave ramsey financial peace study for an other class and he talked about getting a job that fits you. something that blends everything about you. something that fits you personally. he also talked about not letting money be the only reason that you are a certain profession. i think that this poem talks about the people that have taken a job because it is want they want. it seems like they are all happy with their lifes.
The Great Gatsby
i thought this movie went along with what most people have been saying about "The American Dream" the characters in the movie seemed like many people that i know today. daisy seemed to be very fake. she seemed as if she was only in her marriage for money and security. Tom was a bully to just about everyone. It seems as though his wealth had gone to his head and he felt he could do anything because he had money..even cheat on his wife. i thought Jordan was a liar. she was good at golf but not as good as she put off. she constantly cheated to make herself get ahead. Gatsby just wanted to fit in. he always hosted parties but he never attended them. i think that he was all about people thinking that he was this nice social guy but he never really got out there enough to meet or know people. i think nick was my favorite character in the whole movie. he seemed the most real out of all of them. he tried to be honest about everything even though he instigated the whole love affair between daisy and Gatsby.
I, Too, Sing America
I've read this poem before, and I loved it then -- it is, in fact, one of my favorite poems. This poem, obviously, talks about the dream of equality, not just a hope, but a fierce hope, almost an expression of certainty. I get little chills every time I read it, and some day it'll be way more true than it even is now.
The Great Gatsby -- Finally!
I didn't like Daisy very much. She seemed fake and overly bright, like she really wasn't as happy as she said, and she didn't seem to care very much about other people. Her husband was just as bad, all unsophisticated and ignorant and just as careless as other people. Now her cousin, Nick, he was pretty nice, all gentle and kind and thoughtful, and I liked the mysterious Jay Gatsby too. That Myrtle so and so, the gas station man's wife, I didn't like her very much because she reminded me of creeping, strangling jungle vines, but I liked that Jordan girl because she was witty and sarcastic. I guess that makes three likable people and three not...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
American Dream
Here's a song by Casting Crowns that is actually titled "American Dream":
All work no play may have made Jack a dull boy
But all work no God has left Jack with a lost soul
But he's moving on full steam
He's chasing the American dream
And he's gonna give his family the finer things
Not this time son, I've no time to waste
Maybe tomorrow we'll have time to play
Then he slips into his new BMW
And drives farther and farther and farther away
So he works all day and tries to sleep at night
He says things'll get better; better in time
Cause he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a castle made with sand
But the wind and the rain are coming crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
His American Dream is beginning to seem
More and more like a nightmare with every passing day
"Daddy, can you come to my game?"
"Oh, Baby, please don't work late."
Another wasted weekend and they are slipping away
He used to say, "Who ever dies with the most toys wins"
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end?
I'll take a shack on a rock over a castle in the sand
Now he works all day and cries alone at night
It's not getting any better; looks like he's running out of time
All they really wanted was You
All work no play may have made Jack a dull boy
But all work no God has left Jack with a lost soul
But he's moving on full steam
He's chasing the American dream
And he's gonna give his family the finer things
Not this time son, I've no time to waste
Maybe tomorrow we'll have time to play
Then he slips into his new BMW
And drives farther and farther and farther away
So he works all day and tries to sleep at night
He says things'll get better; better in time
Cause he works and he builds with his own two hands
And he pours all he has in a castle made with sand
But the wind and the rain are coming crashing in
Time will tell just how long his kingdom stands
His kingdom stands
His American Dream is beginning to seem
More and more like a nightmare with every passing day
"Daddy, can you come to my game?"
"Oh, Baby, please don't work late."
Another wasted weekend and they are slipping away
He used to say, "Who ever dies with the most toys wins"
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end?
I'll take a shack on a rock over a castle in the sand
Now he works all day and cries alone at night
It's not getting any better; looks like he's running out of time
All they really wanted was You
Friday, February 27, 2009
let america be america
i read the poem by langsten hughs and i totaly agree with what he said about america never was america. to me america should be free. a place were everyone should live equal no matter the amount of money you have and no matter what race you are. we are a nation under god and god loves everyone no matter what race color or gender. why cant we all live like this? ameica never was america.
The American Dream
By: Sergeant Aaron M. Gilbert
Through all the fires,
Through all the fires,
Through all the pain,
The Marines stand tall,
To fight once again.
Always on call,
The Presidents own.
Always fighting,
To protect our home.
My life for our freedom,
My freedom to you,
These are gifts that we give,
For the Red White and Blue.
We die for you,
We die for them,
We do not complain,
About where or when.
For this is our job,
To fight around the world
And give the gift of our freedom
To every boy and every girl.
And yes peaceful solutions,
Can not always be found,
To free a trapped people,
From the terror around.
So we fought in this war,
With resolve in our hearts,
To help Iraq's people
Have a new and free start.
So speak of your "Peace,"
And how war is so wrong,
But shut your face when we're called
To give out the freedom we've won.
For you did not fight,
And you did not bleed.
And you did not die,
For the American dream.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
God Bless the American Dream
My family Petagree stretches far across the Atlantic sea
Germany, Norway, Scottland
Thats from where they came
To this land of the free, of open oppratunity
America was in their dreams before they crossed that mighty sea...
The first foot that touched the soil, made their dream reality
I am of the fourth generation able to call themselves American
My ansestors smile deep below this American soil
and sing "God Bless the American Dream."
Germany, Norway, Scottland
Thats from where they came
To this land of the free, of open oppratunity
America was in their dreams before they crossed that mighty sea...
The first foot that touched the soil, made their dream reality
I am of the fourth generation able to call themselves American
My ansestors smile deep below this American soil
and sing "God Bless the American Dream."
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dream While Living in America
I find that the poem "I, Too, sing America" was one that was really able to get the point across quick, and kind of hits home. As for me, Neil Diamonds "America"
We've been travelling far
Without a home
But not without a star
FreeOnly want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream
On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again
They're coming to America
Home, don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're travelling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm
Home, to a new and a shiny place
Make our bed, and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm
Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Every time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America
Got a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to AmericaToday, today, today, today, today
My country 'tis of thee(Today)
Sweet land of liberty(today)
Of thee I sing(today)Of thee I sing(today)
I think American Pie by Don McClean could fit the description too. It fits the American dream as well as the nightmare.
Thanks for reading everyone. Kiss Kiss.
We've been travelling far
Without a home
But not without a star
FreeOnly want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream
On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again
They're coming to America
Home, don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're travelling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm
Home, to a new and a shiny place
Make our bed, and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm
Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Every time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America
Got a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to AmericaToday, today, today, today, today
My country 'tis of thee(Today)
Sweet land of liberty(today)
Of thee I sing(today)Of thee I sing(today)
I think American Pie by Don McClean could fit the description too. It fits the American dream as well as the nightmare.
Thanks for reading everyone. Kiss Kiss.
Monday, February 23, 2009
This poem reminds me of why the American Dream exists. This poem is inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Now, "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame,
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
The Great Gatsby
I really enjoyed watching this movie in class. I found that during the movie, all the rich people weren't satisfied with what they had. They had so much money, but still couldn't find happiness. There were so many affairs going on also, that they didn't even know what was important to them. I thought that Nick was a happy man, and he didn't have all the money that the other people did.
Week 3: American Dream Poetry
Here are some links to a few poems I think show a strong connection to the American Dream. Read any or all, and post your thoughts, please. :) If you would like, you could also locate and post a poem or song you think fits our discussion of the American Dream.
I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman
I, Too, Sing America by Langston Hughes (What kind of connection do you see between those two poems?)
Let America be America Again by Langston Hughes (This one is a little bit longer, but it is WELL worth the read, especially in connection with our discussion of King's "I Have a Dream Speech.")
A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe (Thanks to Wilson for bringing this one to our attention. What kind of dream do you think Poe was describing?)
Create your own post and comment on at least one post by next Monday, March 2.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Great Gatsby
I had a hard time deciding on what to think about Jay. He was mysterious and yet we know he was in love with Daisy more than she was with him. He wouldn't get his happy ending no matter what he could have done. I did not like Daisy in the least. She was overdramatic, confused, and unable to think for herself. I understand her situation and upbringing but she isn't someone I would want to be friends with. Her story is sad but so is everyone else's. Tom was my least favorite in the movie, he certianly was the typical male for the time period. He married someone rich like himself and then did as he pleased knowing he could get away with it.
The Great Gatsby
It took me forever to figure out which girl was which. But Daisy drove me crazy. She was so dramatic about everything. Like when Myrtle's man came to Tom's house about where the car was and everything and Daisy ran off screaming and crying. Besides that it was a very good movie. The american dream was shown through like how Jay was poor but then made a lot of money and had a nice house and he was just expecting Daisy to fall in love with him again.
The Great Gatsby
I was not to fond of Jay. I think he tried to show off how much money he had by always wanting to do stuff. He is nice enough to give away the car to the guy that wants to keep his marriage good. I do not think Daisy is a very likable character because she seems to act all different around different people. I will admit i did get the characters mixed up time and time again, i also had to look back at the worksheet we had to keep me straight so i wasn't thinking one character was somebody else.
The Great Gatsby
This movie was very interesting. It seemed like all the rich people, Jay, Daisy, and Tom, all lost something very great in life. To me, Nick seemed to have to the best life, he did not have money, and that didn't matter. The American Dream was shown the same for the rich people, nice clothes, nice cars, big parties, a lot of attention. In the end this doesn't get them very far. It seemed like everyone was cheating on their spouses and lying and no one seemed completely happy. Nick on the other hand made a great friend and tried to help in anyway he could. I would rather be poor and happy, than rich and unhappy.
The Great Gatsby
It took me a while to get all the characters straight, but once I did, some pretty strong opinions started to form. I definitely did not like Tom - he was just out to please himself and didn't care what Daisy needed, or how the others might feel uncomfortable because they had to watch his temper tantrums. I wasn't sure what to think about Jay the entire time. From the beginning he just seemed a little fishy. I have also come to the conclusion that I would not have wanted to be in Nick or Jordan's shoes during the many awkward situations they had to sit through!
Friday, February 20, 2009
The American Dream
These are Edgar Allen Poe's thoughts on the American Dream...thought kw might enjoy:
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Leaves of grass
O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; Of the endless trains of the faithless--of cities fill'd with the foolish; Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?) Of eyes that vainly crave the light--of the objects mean--of the struggle ever renew'd; Of the poor results of all--of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me; Of the empty and useless years of the rest--with the rest me intertwined; The question, O me! so sad, recurring--What good amid these, O me, O life?
Answer: That you are here--that life exists, and identity; That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.
Answer: That you are here--that life exists, and identity; That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.
The American Dream
I think everyone has their own American Dream. The overall picture is the same. Everyone just gets to theirs differently. I don't think anyone should be judged about their dream. Different people have different goals. As long as people are happy then others should not be worried about what they are doing.
The American Dream
I think different people have different views on the American Dream.In the movies the people who are so called living the American Dream, normally have a big house down by the ocean or lake and drive really nice cars. They also have two really smart children normally in movies its a boy and a girl. They have a dog named spike, i think people need to go for there goals and try to achieve of what they see as the American Dream.Different people see the world different not everyones view of the american dream is the same, so people need to stop trying to persue others people view of the American Dream.
The American Dream does have it's basic meaning on what it is to the public, but it also can have it's individual meaning to the specific person. In a way, having the specific dream for what that person wants is what is expected out of what the American Dream really is. In that sense, that is the stereotype dream. Obviously people have their own personal "dream" that they wish to reach, but the thing that makes the American Dream different from a regular dream is that here in America you can achieve what you truely want to do and not only what your country will allow.
The Great Gatsby
Jay Gatsby: was a poor poor boy before the war but some how he beacame rich after the war. how in that amount of time can someone go from being dirt poor to being filthy rich. i want to be part of this scandal. he made alot of money so quick.
Daisy Buchanan: well she is just crazy honestly i havent finished the movie because i had to leave at 10:30 yesterday for our choir competion, but from what i did see she defenently needs help alot of help.
Tom Buchanan: he is just so unlikablel he is a horrible person and a horible husband, if i was daisy weather it was my religon or not i would have goten rid of to along time ago though she did love him at one point that doesnt mean she has to love them know.
Daisy Buchanan: well she is just crazy honestly i havent finished the movie because i had to leave at 10:30 yesterday for our choir competion, but from what i did see she defenently needs help alot of help.
Tom Buchanan: he is just so unlikablel he is a horrible person and a horible husband, if i was daisy weather it was my religon or not i would have goten rid of to along time ago though she did love him at one point that doesnt mean she has to love them know.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Great Gatsby: THE MOVIE
Here's my brief synopsis of what I think of the main characters.
We got Myrtle who, to put it simply, is kind of a lunatic! Then there's Jay Gatsby he seems to have cool mysterious personality too him. But seems to not find what he really wants, becuase I think he doesn't know what he wants. Daisy, I guess you could say is 'Just Darlin', she's very dramatic and can't seem to find the happiness she is looking for in her relationships and money values. Tom is the kind of person where you just want to sit down with him and have a nice talk, about what in the world is going through his head. Would be an interesting/maybe scary talk. And finally Nick is honest and seems to stick to what he thinks. He seems very genuine.
Thanks everyone for reading. Kiss Kiss.
We got Myrtle who, to put it simply, is kind of a lunatic! Then there's Jay Gatsby he seems to have cool mysterious personality too him. But seems to not find what he really wants, becuase I think he doesn't know what he wants. Daisy, I guess you could say is 'Just Darlin', she's very dramatic and can't seem to find the happiness she is looking for in her relationships and money values. Tom is the kind of person where you just want to sit down with him and have a nice talk, about what in the world is going through his head. Would be an interesting/maybe scary talk. And finally Nick is honest and seems to stick to what he thinks. He seems very genuine.
Thanks everyone for reading. Kiss Kiss.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Great Gatsby
Jay Gatsby: I think it's sad how he holds parties all the time but never attends them. On several occasions throughout the movie it shows him standing upstairs watching his parties take place, just observing all the people that gathered at his home. I think this is his attempt at having a social life. When asked if he gets lonely in his big house, he just replies by saying he invites interesting people over every day. I found that was pretty odd since he never attempts to interract with any of them.
Daisy Buchannon: I'm not too sure about Ms. Daisy, but at first impression i think she's kind of irritating. She wouldn't be with Jay Gatsby because he didn't have the money to keep her family. "Rich girls don't marry poor boys." She married Tom because he had money, not because she loved him. I think what i'm trying to say is, she's foolish. It's ironic that Gatsby came back as a rich man. ;) If i could say one thing to her though, i would have to say go for Gatsby while he'll still have you. Tom's having an affair. lol.
Tom: Don't much like this chap, kind of a hypocrit if you ask me....annnd a woman beater.
Daisy Buchannon: I'm not too sure about Ms. Daisy, but at first impression i think she's kind of irritating. She wouldn't be with Jay Gatsby because he didn't have the money to keep her family. "Rich girls don't marry poor boys." She married Tom because he had money, not because she loved him. I think what i'm trying to say is, she's foolish. It's ironic that Gatsby came back as a rich man. ;) If i could say one thing to her though, i would have to say go for Gatsby while he'll still have you. Tom's having an affair. lol.
Tom: Don't much like this chap, kind of a hypocrit if you ask me....annnd a woman beater.
The American Dream
Years ago, the American Dream was simple; the desire to have a happy family and to own a home. But as the years have passed and technology and industrialization have expanded, so has that simple American Dream. I think that today's society is more concerned with making "quick money," than experiencing the joys of homeownership. Instsead things like winning the lottery, or landing a roll on a reality t.v. show, have taken place of those once-important things. I think this alone reflects our "new-and-improved morals". I think that's all i have to say for now...
The Great...
My favorite character is Ms. Jordan Baker, she screams confadence and isnt really bothered by high "morals". I also like Mrs. Daisy; its sad the way she over does the happyness speel because she is so myserable on the inside. But over all i think she has a good heart just a little miss lead.
I HATE Tom, he is such a jerk, also a big time hypocrite (its all right for him to carry on with an affair, but if daisy just looks at some one shes in the wrong). Hes violent and and selfish... Hate him.
All the other characters im indifferent (but i still understand their importance).
Sorry for all my spelling errors xD
I HATE Tom, he is such a jerk, also a big time hypocrite (its all right for him to carry on with an affair, but if daisy just looks at some one shes in the wrong). Hes violent and and selfish... Hate him.
All the other characters im indifferent (but i still understand their importance).
Sorry for all my spelling errors xD
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Adieu, vain world, I've seen enough of thee
Adieu, vain world, I've seen enough of thee,
And now am careless what thou say'st of me.
Thy smiles I court not, nor thy frowns I fear.
My Cares are past, my head lies quiet here.
What faults you saw in me take care to shun,
And look at home, enough there's to be done.
Where ere I liv'd or dy'd it matters not,
To whom related, or by whom begot,
I was now am not, ask no more of me.
It's all I am and all the proud shall be.
Monday, February 16, 2009
American Dream
The American dream is usually viewed as one single dream, but it could also be broke down into many different dreams. We have the overall dream of the nice house and family to go along with it. To some individuals the American dream is viewed as being happy in many different areas of life. I believe that the American dream for me is complete happiness. To be happy with myself, choices I make, and the people I surround myself with.
Week 2: The Great Gatsby

Task #2: For your next post, I want to hear your initial impressions of the characters in The Great Gatsby. What do you think of Jay Gatsby? Do you think Daisy is a likable character? Why or why not? What about Daisy's husband Tom? Really, I'm just asking for your supported opinions about the characters. Also, be sure to COMMENT on someone else's post. This is due by Monday, Feb. 23, at 8:00 a.m.
American Dreams
"The American Dream" is a type of control mechanisim, its a predeterminded concept which the majority of socioty thinks YOU should live your life by. It's not the dreams of americans, its the dream of "The Man". But thankfully most people have their own dreams they wish to full fill, they will not and can not share the same dreams associated with the man (its too easy) and thats why i belive we still have a chance.
The American Dream
I don't think the American Dream is all about consumerism. I believe the American Dream is about working hard to achieve your goals. For early immigrants to the New World, this was the Dream they had, and it morphed into the American Dream. Since society has changed, it has changed into a materialistic dream, but at the heart of the Dream, it is still working hard to achieve your goals.
American Dream
I believe that everyone has a different view on what they call an American Dream. To some they want to have a lot of money and own big things. Some want to have the "perfect family." To me, the American Dream is to be happy with myself and to be happy with my life. And to live each day that God has given me to the fullest!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Alice in Wonderland
The "Alice in Wonderland" tribute song known as "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane.
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall.
And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall,
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call.
Poor Alice
When she was just small.
When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low.
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know.
When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "Off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said:
"Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head."
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall.
And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall,
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call.
Poor Alice
When she was just small.
When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low.
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know.
When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "Off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said:
"Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head."
the american dream
when i think about the american dream i think about what scoiety wants as a whole. i think about a white picket fence, a surban, two kids with loving parents who have nice, well paying jobs. i think in some way or another most people want this. however once i really got to thinking about it i realized its just a dream, and most of the people that have this probably arent truely happy although alot of them are.
i think the term american dream is about this idea of having the perfect life. but i have realized that you dont have to have this dream for your life. in the end you need to do what makes you happy cause at the end of the day thats all that really matters.
i think the term american dream is about this idea of having the perfect life. but i have realized that you dont have to have this dream for your life. in the end you need to do what makes you happy cause at the end of the day thats all that really matters.
The Dream Today
I don't want to spend my life working for the destination of the American dream because I don't believe it is a destination. I want, instead, to enjoy each day God has given me. I know I talked a little bit about this in class, but I don't think the American Dream can be acheived in one specific moment. It's not like we just wake up some day and say, "Hmm, guess what - I'm living the dream now." I believe we can only acheive the American dream when we wake up and say, "I'm going to live the dream today. No matter what struggles will come, I will make the most of them and enjoy today while I have it."
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
the american dream
to me the american dream is to be happy with yourself and what you do. I didnt really say anything in the discussion last week but i did listen to what everyone else was discussing and i have seen that not everyone has the same american dream. Martin Luther King Jr.s dream was to see that all men and woman no matter what race or religon they would live together in brotherhood.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Week 1: Welcome
Hey all! This will be our class blog for the rest of the semester. This will be a great way for you to share your writing skills and insights on what happens in class.
So here's the skinny. Each week you will be required to CREATE one new post and RESPOND to at least one other post. At the beginning of each week I'll give you some direction, if you need it. Otherwise, I just want you to be thinking about and responding to what happens in class.
Other items to note: This is a great opportunity to share with one another, but keep in mind...this is monitored by me. Don't say anything inappropriate or rude or unnecessary. This blog is for learning purposes, and I really think it will be an important tool for our classroom community. SO have fun!
Your FIRST assignment: Share your thoughts on our discussion of the American Dream last week. What do you think the American Dream means? Is it the same for everyone? Should we judge others' dreams? Take those questions, and go from there. Also be sure to give us your first name if your profile name doesn't already provide it. Due date: Create your post (click on "New Post" in the upper righthand corner) and respond (click on "Comment" at the end of a post) to at least one other by 8:00 a.m., Monday, February 16.
So here's the skinny. Each week you will be required to CREATE one new post and RESPOND to at least one other post. At the beginning of each week I'll give you some direction, if you need it. Otherwise, I just want you to be thinking about and responding to what happens in class.
Other items to note: This is a great opportunity to share with one another, but keep in mind...this is monitored by me. Don't say anything inappropriate or rude or unnecessary. This blog is for learning purposes, and I really think it will be an important tool for our classroom community. SO have fun!
Your FIRST assignment: Share your thoughts on our discussion of the American Dream last week. What do you think the American Dream means? Is it the same for everyone? Should we judge others' dreams? Take those questions, and go from there. Also be sure to give us your first name if your profile name doesn't already provide it. Due date: Create your post (click on "New Post" in the upper righthand corner) and respond (click on "Comment" at the end of a post) to at least one other by 8:00 a.m., Monday, February 16.
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